Have you ever felt inadequate? Have you ever looked at everything everyone else had--their gifts, the cool jobs they landed the first time they applied, their perfect relationships/marriages in the perfect house with the perfect spouse and the perfect 2.5 kids--and wondered,
When is my time coming? If you have, you're not alone. I've been there, too. Not that I'm coveting it, because that's unhealthy. All I'm saying is I'd like to be there one day. Constantly seeing images of seemingly perfect scenarios can make us feel like we're not measuring up. That's not the case at all. Today's section of Todd Galberth's
"Decrease" devotional was called "You Are Enough."
Todd Galberth - "Decrease" devotional / Todd Galberth online store |
Multiple times on this blog, I've mentioned the pressure to be
cool from social media as well as the pressure to be in a
relationship--even if that pressure is 'healthy' and we want to be in a godly one. We've heard enough about what to do when the world tells us we aren't enough. Today I want to flip the script and talk about what we
are good enough for.
You are absolutely enough for the assignment that God has called you to. Maybe the reason people don't think you're cool is because they can't see the gifts you possess. Maybe you weren't the right type for the last girl or guy you were interested in. Whatever the case may be, maybe you weren't enough in their eyes. That doesn't matter. It may feel like it matters now, but trust me, it does not affect your value. It says nothing about the essence of who you are. Your worth is not measured by what people see or don't see, what they acknowledge or overlook. Your worth is the measure of Christ's love for you, and that quantity cannot ever be measured. His love for us is infinite.
You are more than enough for the specific anointing that God has placed on your life. The only validation you need is His. Nothing anybody (including you) says or does will ever veto His stamp of approval. Nobody else can walk out that calling except for you. You can try to talk yourself out of your purpose if you want to. You won't be able to run away from Him for long.
Satan wants to belittle your gifts because if you really understood the weight of what you're carrying, you'd know that he is no match for you. If you really knew what a powerhouse you are in the Kingdom, his threats would mean nothing to you. If you only knew your own strength, and more importantly, the strength of the One who lives in you, you'd know that everything the enemy has ever told you is a lie. You can't stop now.
It doesn't matter what everyone else says about who your family is, where you come from, or what you've done in the past. Your gift is still necessary, the promise is still yours, and you are ALWAYS enough! Today's Medicine Music is Todd Galberth's "The Curse Is Broken." If you keep following God, the toxic cycles will end with you. You could be the curse-breaker in your family. Your perseverance in this season can set your entire bloodline up for greatness. That's how important it is for you to know that you are enough.
Day 18 takeaway: You've made it to the end of this post, but you still might not be convinced that you really are enough. I know the feeling. It took me a long time to get there, but there's no greater feeling than when that belief fully sinks in. You might not be there yet, but in the meantime, speak what you seek until you see what you've said. Everyday, speak "enough" over yourself until you walk like "enough", talk like "enough" and act like "enough." Embracing the truth of "enough" will completely change your outlook on life. It definitely changed mine. Less of me, more of He.
Check out yesterday's notes