Wow. Day three of Todd Galberth's "Decrease" devotional met me right where I am, so much so that it picked up right where yesterday's takeaway point left off. This section was entitled "Relationship Goals," and it echoed exactly what I mentioned yesterday about how I desire relationship with God more than religion. What I mean by that is, adding to how Todd explained it in the book, I don't want to get so caught up in the four walls of a church, so absorbed in the doctrine taught there, that I forget that the God they fed me is the same One Who will sustain me throughout the rest of the week. Don't get me wrong, a home church is absolutely necessary in the Christian walk, and sound doctrine is always important, but we have to supplement Sunday service with a consistent relationship with God.
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Todd Galberth - "Decrease" devotional / Todd Galberth online store |
I was raised in church, so I knew what mama, grandma, granddaddy, auntie, etc. taught me about who God is, but it wasn't until college that I learned the difference between knowing about Him and knowing Him personally. For example, if you base your opinion of someone solely on what you've heard about them without meeting them yourself, you miss out on who they really are. The same applies to your relationship with God. Sure, you know how great He's been to them, whoever they are, but what has He done for YOU lately? Who is He to you? Abba? Father? Daddy? Friend? For me, He's all that and more. When He allowed me to go to a place so low that I had no choice but to call on Him, I called Him all those names and then some. I learned who He was and is for me, to me, and in me (in fact, I'm still learning), and while I'm learning about Him, I'm learning about myself. I'm so glad I serve a God who is gracious enough to meet me where I am. This is why Todd's "Medicine Music" of the day, "First Loved Me" by Covenant Worship, resonated with me so much. Jesus is the ultimate blueprint for how true love should be. He loved me (and you!) unconditionally before time even began.
Day 3 takeaway: Today and every day, I'll make a conscious effort to talk to and hear from my first love and truest friend: Christ. My relationship with Him should always be my top priority. I owe Him more time. Less of me, more of He.
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