As I continue my single season, I'm trying to figure out exactly what it is I need to be doing while I wait. I'm working on myself in a lot of ways, because I always say that I want to become the woman God wants me to be, but I often wonder, am I becoming the woman my future husband needs? That's something I hadn't considered until very recently. The next logical thought that followed was, how can I become the woman my future husband needs if I haven't met him yet? The answer is, of course, found in God. As I was meditating on this idea, He dropped a song in my spirit--a secular one at that: MAJOR.'s 2016 hit, "Why I Love You."
MAJOR. - "Why I Love You" - single (2016) / Amazon |
(Before we continue, I know what you're thinking. Yes, I'm going to be cliché and reference this song on Valentine's Day. Yes, I am listening to it as I type this, and yes, I will be a cliché crybaby when this plays at my wedding. Moving on...😂)
Verse 1:
I found love in you
And I've learned to love me too
Never have I felt that I could be all that you
It's like our hearts have intertwined into the
perfect harmony
Verse 2:
I found love in you
And no other love will do
Every moment that you smile chases all of
the pain away
Forever and a while in my heart is where
you'll stay
These are just a few things I pulled from the song. It simultaneously reminded me of the kind of love I am given and caused me to anticipate the love that I hope will find me...and then I got it: If this is the love I want, this is the love I have to give. I don't know how much single time I have left, but however long God will have me to wait, I'll do my best to be a reflection of Him. I'll reflect His light not only because He calls me to do so, but because that is the type of love my future husband deserves. I might not know who he is yet, but I may as well get a head start.
Dear future husband,
When the God in me speaks to the God in you, we'll realize that we are stronger as two. Until "I" becomes "we," I'm letting Him work on me. We'll be better together than we are apart, but for now, He's making space for you inside of my heart.
My heart is preparing itself to be found by you. I hope that when you find it, you'll stay forever and awhile.
With love,
Your future wife
Happy Valentine's Day ❤
God will send "the one" He is preparing just for you. As always you have written with wisdom beyond your years. Much love.